written by
Luke Szyrmer

The only KPI checklist you will ever need

Metrics 1 min read
If you have a little bit of time left, how about start writing your own bucket list
Photographer: Glenn Carstens-Peters | Source: Unsplash

This week, I'll be a bit more concise than usual. :)

Metrics need to be:

  • Actionable: help drive activity or decisions, e.g. ratios “What will I do differently based on this information?”
  • Forward looking: observable now yet indicative of what will happen, e.g. nr of prospects
  • Representative: the number is tied to the actual thing they are meant to capture
  • Easy to observe/gather: defined well enough an intern can go and check them
  • Comparable over time: ideally they can be collected in real time/daily, and you can do cohort analysis with them to see how the change as you experiment
  • Mutually agreed and checked regularly with team and decision makers
  • Objective: not based on estimates which can be wrong or biased
  • Tied to the customer and customer needs
  • Tied to learning/improving continuously

Metrics can be tied to operations, learning or finances.

If learning-based or early stage, look at metrics on a per-customer basis. Once the exchange of value works for each customer, look at growth metrics.

Nuff said.

checklist criteria