written by
Luke Szyrmer

Season 1 retrospective: Episode 50!

story lockdown 1 min read

This podcast has been a labor of love so far. Originally it was a supporting mechanism for researching the book align remotely, to get additional context to my own experience as a remote manager. A lot has evolved since the year and change ago when this started. Ironically, I'd just finished a long-term engagement in March 2020 thinking I wanted to write a book and it just went from there. Like for most people, my personal life merged with my working from home (WFH) professional life unexpectedly, but all in all there wasn't that big of a change in my work, mostly just in the home context.

Since then, I've met and interviewed dozens of fabulous people and experts. The podcast became it's own thing and started getting a lot of reviews and buzz independently of the book itself. And I've started getting work specifically in this space, since a lot of companies have been struggling with remote.

3 main areas of learning

  • changes due to the pandemic specifically
  • remote about managing teams
  • async is hard but worth it


  • closing off season 1
  • season 2 will start in October
  • In season 2, we will start doing a mix live and pre-rerecorded episodes, so take our quiz (quiz.managingremoteteams.co) or grab a copy of delegate remotely from the homepage in order to get notified of live recording if you want to interact with the guest(s)