Welcome. Welcome. Welcome back. This is Luke Szyrmer from the Managing Remote Teams Podcast and we are back. We are scheduling episodes to be recorded in November and, season two is really looking exciting.

First and foremost, I think the main thing that's changing is that we're looking to expand the concept a little bit--to move to providing guests over live events, where you can join as the audience, and you can participate, ask questions. In addition to just having me lead the discussion. Once the show is done, it will be sent to a podcast feed as an audio only recording.

And these would be published roughly two per month following a similar schedule. The second and the fourth, Tuesday at 11:00 AM, so basically same publishing time, but a little bit less frequently. the live events will be free for you to join, but the place where you got signed up and get notified when those are happening is at managingremoteteamspodcast.com. So you sign up there and you'll be notified by email when the, those are happening. In addition to our usual newsletter of interesting content around remote work .

So the second thing I wanted to talk about is that we have a quiz. If you're just coming to the podcast. Now I think the quiz is actually a great place where it can give you a little bit of feedback.

How things can be better run from a remote leadership perspective or hybrid, and it recommends particular episodes for you to listen to based on what your answers are. So I think that's a good way to get through the highlights of season one, if that's something you're up for.

And last but not least, I wanted to announce the new remote teamwork audit service, which I'm beginning to see. And basically it's for companies and teams who are looking to make this whole remote thing easier. So basically as the author of aligned remotely and the podcast host here I've had a good amount of exposure to this in addition to previous experience, obviously, and I help go through your company, culture, your processes, your documentation, your tools.

And also we take a look at how your meetings actually work, the typical meeting workflow. So it is a slightly bigger thing, but if that's something where you'd like to identify where things could possibly be improved, then take a look on our website, managing remote teams.co, and you'll find the remote teamwork audit link at the bottom of the page.

In which case I will leave you to it sign up on managingremoteteamspodcast.com. The first audio episode is coming out on the 9th of November. See you then.